
International Tours and Travels

Everything you expect from a World class tour company with a local flavour is what we offer, Wherever we go and in whatever we offer, planning in detail and extra care are taken to ensure delight for a discerning traveller like you. Choice of imaginative tours, good hotels, excellent services are all tailored in to make you experience the Holiday Magic - whether you are in a group or are travelling as FIT. Our global alliance and worldwide reach ensure experience, reliability, comfort and economy. We provide you the best solution for travelling around the world In both pre packed all inclusive packages and custom made packages in which you can roam around the globe as the way you want, Destinations Unlimited..

Out Bound Packages

South East Asia : Malaysia, Thailand, Bail etc.

South Asia : Srilanka, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal etc.

Asia Pacific : Australia, New Zealand, Fiji etc

Africa : Egypt, Tanzania, South Africa etc

Plus : Middle East / West Asia / East Europe / West Europe / USA + Hawali and many more